
The meaning and symbolism of baptism

Baptism is a symbolic act of washing. Christians understand that the water does not wash their sins away, rather Jesus takes away our sin by grace through faith. Baptism is a physical picture of what has happened in the hearts of all who put their faith in Christ.
  • Baptism symbolizes death, burial and resurrection. (Romans 6:3-4 and Colossians 2:12)
    • Death to the old way of life (controlled by sin)
    • Burial - the yielding of ourselves totally to God
    • Resurrection to newness of life (controlled by God)
    • Jesus died, was buried and rose again to live a totally new kind of life. When a person becomes a Christian they identify themselves with Christ. That is, they let the world know that they are a Christian by being baptized. Baptism is a symbol of what happens when we are saved, of our new life in Christ. 
  • Baptism and its meaning are illustrated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:1-2 where he uses the account of the crossing of the Red Sea recorded in Exodus 14. This is done as follows: 
    • In Egypt they were slaves to idol worshippers.
    • Under God's direction, they left Egypt and its slavery.
    • They went through the sea, a real act of faith.
    • They came up the other side, a free people, ready to serve the Lord.
  • Baptism signifies our placement into the Body of Christ, the Church. (1 Corinthians 12:13)
    • Baptism is the ceremony by which we join the universal Church of Christ. No matter what denomination we belong to, every born-again Christian is a member of Christ's body, the Church.
  • Baptism is also a sign to unbelievers (a testimony to them).
    • Baptism identifies us as belonging to Jesus.
    • Baptisms are held as public services, as a testimony to all of our faith in Christ.

Who should be baptized?

The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20). Some churches baptize babies, though a baby does not understand their need for a Savior. These churches either believe that baptism is God's way of saving people or that it is merely a ceremonial act identifying the child with the church and committing the parents and the church to help the child later receive Christ as their Savior.

The method of baptism

The Missionary Church and most other evangelical churches practice immersion. To do this, the minister and the one to be baptized enter a pool or body of water. The minister then lowers the one to be baptized into the water and lifts them out.
The Missionary Church uses immersion because we believe this is the method used by Jesus' disciples. It is also the best illustration of death, burial and resurrection.

Information regarding Baptismal Services

Video Testimony: Everyone being baptized will be asked to record a short video about what the Lord means to them. Our videographer will contact you to schedule this.
Dates: Dates for baptism in 2025 are: February 23, May 18, August 10 (outdoor baptism), and October 26.
Small Group Baptisms: Knowing that some people would be more comfortable in a smaller group baptismal service, we also do small group baptisms where you can invite just your family and friends. Let Pastor Joel know if this is what you prefer.
Clothing: You will receive a Baptism t-shirt to wear, please wear this with either shorts or pants. You will have time to change into these during the service. Also, bring a towel to dry off when you are done.
Baptismal Certificate: When you make the decision to follow the Lord in baptism, you will receive a certificate following your baptism.
Special note for children wanting to be baptized: The Children's Director will be in contact with you once you have submitted the Application for Baptism. Children will receive a special booklet to work through with their parents to prepare them for baptism.

Application for Baptism